Key Allergens
There are 5 allergens associated with an allergy to guinea pigs, this includes their hair, dander (which is flakes of dry skin), urine and saliva. These are all allergens associated with airways.
4 of the allergens are lipocalin proteins, in other animal dander allergies this is the protein that most individuals react to. These proteins transport molecules like lipids and steroids around the body.
Cav p 4 is a serum albumin protein, people who are allergic to this protein are more likely to be allergic to other mammals and very rarely can become allergic to eating mammalian meats such as
chicken and
pork, which also contain these proteins.
Associated Syndromes
Allergy to guinea pig dander is strongly strongly associated with allergic rhinitis as well as asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic dermatitis.
Guinea pig contains serum albumin as an inhalant allergen, this is a protein which can cause problems for people with
Alpha Gal Syndrome. Guinea pigs are most often eaten in Peru (where they are called "cuy") and should be avoided if suffering from this allergic syndrome.
Cross Reactivity
A guinea pig allergy can be strongly linked to other animal allergies due to the lipocalin proteins. There is evidence of cross reactivity due to this protein with cockroaches, cows, dogs, hamsters, horses, cats, mice, rabbits and rats.
Other animals whose hair contains serum albumin proteins as an airbourne allergen include dog, horse, cat and mouse danders. Serum albumin is also found as a food allergen in beef, chicken and pork.
These lists are not exhaustive, the most up to date allergen information is on the Cross Reactivity Tool.
Allergen Encyclopedia - Guinea Pig
Science Direct - Lipocalin
Pet Finder - Living With Guinea Pig Allergies
Articles and Journals
Hypoallergenic animals: A promise of hope for allergic patients? 2024
How molecular diagnostics help us to correctly identify pet allergies, 2023
The diversity of lipocalin receptors, 2022
Component-resolved diagnosis using guinea-pig allergens elucidates allergen sensitization profiles in allergy to furry animals, 2021
Anaphylaxis induced by inhaling guinea pig allergen, 2021
Dog keeping at home before and during pregnancy decreased the risk of food allergy in 1-year-old children, 2020
Exotic pet allergy, 2019
Diagnosis of Allergy to Mammals and Fish: Cross-Reactive vs. Specific Markers, 2017
Allergy to uncommon pets: new allergies but the same allergens, 2013
Evaluation of two new recombinant guinea-pig lipocalins, Cav p 2 and Cav p 3, in the diagnosis of guinea-pig allergy, 2011
Severe allergic reactions to guinea pig, 2005
Purification and partial characterization of the major allergen, Cav p 1, from guinea pig Cavia porcellus, 2002
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