Key Allergens
Balsam of Peru is a viscous liquid processed from under the bark of the tree of
Myroxolon balsamum, it is used as a preservative in perfumes and toiletries as it is naturally antiseptic and antifungal, but it smells of vanilla and cinnamon due to it's high essential oil content.
It contains essential oils usually found in
cinnamon, cinnamic acid, cinnamyl cinnamate; vanillin, which is usually found in
vanilla and
Some studies have shown an improvement of symptoms in some cases where a change of diet has been made to exclude tomatoes, vanilla, chocolate, cinnamon, caramel, wines and various sweets.
Associated Syndromes
Cross Reactivity
Balsam of Peru is cross reactive with other balsams and contact allergens which contain similar concentrations of essential oils including cinnamon, vanilla and clove derived essential oils. It has also been shown to be cross reactive with eugenol and benzoates.
DermNet NZ - Balsam of Peru
Science Direct - Balsam Peru
Allergy UK - Balsam of Peru
Contact Dermatitis Institute - Balsam of Peru
Articles and Journals
Dermatitis Secondary to Exposure to Nickel and Fragrance at Workplace: A Case Report, 2024
Analysis of Positive Patch Test Allergens in Allergic Contact Dermatitis Patients with Atopic Dermatitis, 2023
Allergic Contact Dermatitis and Patch Testing in Skin of Color Patients, 2023
Watch What You Drink and Eat: Getting Orange Crushed, 2023
Contact Allergy in the Elderly: A Study of 600 Patients, 2022
The immediate patch test reaction to fragrance in patients with allergic contact dermatitis to fragrance: A prospective study, 2022
Myroxylon pereirae resin (balsam of Peru) – A critical review of the literature and assessment of the significance of positive patch test reactions and the usefulness of restrictive diets, 2019
Balsam of Peru - Past and Future, 2013
Immediate-type food allergy to balsam of Peru, 2011
Identification of the Constituents of Balsam of Peru in Tomatoes, 2009
Sensitivity to Myroxylon pereirae resin (balsam of Peru). A study of 50 cases, 2005
Contact allergy to balsam of Peru. II. Patch test results in 102 patients with selected balsam of Peru constituents, 2001
Can oral challenge with balsam of Peru predict possible benefit from a low-balsam diet? 1996
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