Key Allergens
Ginkgo biloba is the only remaining member of the Ginkgoaceae family of plants and is used in traditional Chinese medicine and in alternative health supplements. Currently there is no evidence that these supplements are beneficial for any health condition.
The fruit and nuts of the plant contain ginkgolic acid, which can cause contact allergic dermatitis.
It also contains a ginkgotoxin, 4′-O-methylpyridoxine, which has been linked to a Vitamin B6 deficiency. As the toxin is structurally similar to vitamin B6 it interferes with biosynthesis, metabolism and function of vitamin B6 in the body and has been known to cause seizures and food poisoning type symptoms.
Pollen from the ginkgo biloba is a common trigger for allergic rhinitis.
Food Intolerances

When taken in small doses ginkgo biloba is considered to be a low FODMAP food.
FODMAP stands for
polyols. Foods high in FODMAPs can cause symptoms of food intolerance, affecting the gastro intestinal system and this can be mistaken for a true IgE food allergy.
You can read more about
Food Intolerances on the dedicated Food Intolerance Page.
Associated Syndromes
Ginkgo biloba is associated with contact allergic dermatitis. In some people it can cause a Vitamin B6 deficiency.
Cross Reactivity
As it is not closely related to any other plants, ginkgo biloba is not currently associated with any cross reactivity.
You can always find the most up to date information on the Cross Reactivity Tool.
DermNet NZ - Ginkgo Biloba
Science Direct - Ginkgo Biloba
Articles and Journals
Microscopical, phytochemical, and LC/MS analysis of Ginkgo biloba leaves, 2024
A comprehensive review of ginkgotoxin and ginkgotoxin-5′-glucoside in Ginkgo biloba L. seeds, 2023
Natural Allergens and Herbal Remedies Possessing Antiallergic activity, 2023
Pharmacological Activities of Ginkgolic Acids in Relation to Autophagy, 2022
A critical review of current technologies used to reduce ginkgotoxin, ginkgotoxin-5′-glucoside, ginkgolic acid, allergic glycoprotein, and cyanide in Ginkgo biloba L. seed, 2022
A Review of Ginkgo biloba L. Seed’s Protein; Physicochemical Properties, Bioactivity, and Allergic Glycoprotein, 2022
Ginkgolic Acid is a Multi-Target Inhibitor of Key Enzymes in Pro-Inflammatory Lipid Mediator Biosynthesis, 2019
Food Poisoning by Ginkgo Seeds through Vitamin B6 Depletion, 2019
The main active constituents and detoxification process of Ginkgo biloba seeds and their potential use in functional health foods, 2019
Ginkgotoxin Induced Seizure Caused by Vitamin B6 Deficiency, 2015
Identification and Purification of an Allergic Glycoprotein from Ginkgo biloba Kernel, 2011
IgE immune response to Ginkgo biloba pollen, 2000
Let me know if you found any of these interesting or useful.
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