Key Points
Lipid Transfer Proteins (LTP) are found in many types of plants. You may be allergic to all or some of the foods mentioned in the cross reactivity section.
LTP Syndrome can be confused with
Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS) as there is a crossover of common trigger foods. In general PFAS symptoms are less severe and give oral allergy type symptoms. Reactions to LTP are more severe and a reaction is elicited from foods that have been cooked.
The articles below all relate generally to LTP syndrome - please visit each food page for resources on specific foods.
To read more about the proteins themselves please visit the
Lipid Transfer Protein page.
Cross Reactivity
Common foods involved in LTP allergy include kiwi, strawberries, sunflower seeds, walnut, apple, mulberry, banana, pea, apricot, cherry, plum, almond, peach pomegranate, raspberry, tomato, grape, millet, celery, peanut, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, chestnut, lemon, tangerine, orange, hazelnut, lettuce, lentils, lupin, green bean, pear, mustard, wheat and maize.
You can download a Lipid Transfer Protein Factsheet from the
Allergy Resources Ko-fi Shop for just $0.90 (£0.69 or €0.82). This has up to date information on which foods contain Lipid Transfer Proteins and what to avoid if you think you have LTP Syndrome.
This food list above is not exhaustive, for the most up to date information visit the Cross Reactivity Tool.
British Dietetic Association - PFAS vs LTP Syndrome
Science Direct - Lipid Transfer Protein
Science Direct - Plant LTPs
Allergy UK - Lipid Transfer Proteins
Anaphylaxis UK - Lipid Transfer Proteins Syndrome
Articles and Journals
Diagnostic Accuracy of Lipid Transfer Proteins (LTPs) Specific IgE Assay in Food Allergy: A Systematic Review, 2024
Molecular Profiles of Sensitization to Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Proteins in Lithuania: Single Center Experience, 2024
Food-dependent exercise-induced allergic reactions in Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP) hypersensitive subjects: new data and a critical reappraisal, 2024
Understanding of lipid transfer protein sensitization patterns and its clinical significance in children, 2024
A case of a 6-year-old boy diagnosed with lipid transfer protein syndrome using the ImmunoCAP and ImmunoCAP Immuno Solid-phase Allergen Chip, 2024
Clinical management of plant food allergy in patients sensitized to lipid transfer proteins is heterogeneous: identifying the gaps, 2023
Lipid transfer protein syndrome in a Northern European patient: An unusual case report, 2023
Lipid transfer protein allergy and anaphylaxis in children, 2023
Anaphylaxis across Europe: are pollen food syndrome and lipid transfer protein allergy so far apart? 2022
Recent Advances in Electrochemical Sensing Strategies for Food Allergen Detection, 2022
Lipid transfer protein allergy: A review of current controversies, 2022
Prevalence of sensitization to molecular food allergens in Europe: A systematic review, 2022
Risk factors for severe reactions in food allergy: Rapid evidence review with meta-analysis, 2022
Lipid Transfer Protein Syndrome - an emerging allergy in non-mediterranean countries? 2021
Does the Food Ingredient Pectin Provide a Risk for Patients Allergic to Non-Specific Lipid-Transfer Proteins? 2021
The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins as Food and Pollen Allergens Outside the Mediterranean Area, 2021
Non-specific lipid-transfer proteins: Allergen structure and function, cross-reactivity, sensitization, and epidemiology, 2021
The diagnosis and management of allergic reactions in patients sensitized to non-specific lipid transfer proteins, 2021
Nickel allergy in lipid transfer protein sensitized patients: Prevalence and clinical features, 2020
Lipid Transfer Protein allergy in the United Kingdom: Characterization and comparison with a matched Italian cohort, 2019
Anaphylaxis caused by lipid transfer proteins: an unpredictable clinical syndrome, 2018
Stability of Allergens, 2018
How relevant is panallergen sensitization in the development of allergies?, 2016
Asymptomatic LTP sensitisation is common in plant-food allergic children from the Northeast of Spain, 2016
In patients with LTP syndrome food-specific IgE show a predictable hierarchical order, 2014
Lipid transfer protein syndrome: clinical pattern, cofactor effect and profile of molecular sensitization to plant‐foods and pollens, 2012
Molecular allergology in practice: an unusual case of LTP allergy, 2011
Let me know if you found any of these interesting or useful.
If you spot an article or research that you think is interesting you can message me or tag me on Facebook or Twitter - links at the bottom of the page.